First look: Ship to Ship Boarding Actions

This is a short video showing how to perform ship boarding and capture in Naval Tactics. To board a ship you first need to immobilize the ship by reducing its sails to less than 20%. Once a ship is immobilized, any enemy ship in an adjacent hex and has more than the minimum crew can perform a boarding action. When you perform a boarding action, it is the only action that ship may take that turn (you may not move, reload, or fire your cannon while boarding). Boarding is a chaotic melee that can go either way; if you board a ship and reduce the enemy crew to 0, then you can capture the ship. However if you board and your own crew is reduced to 0, the ship you boarded can capture your ship.

Note: this video was captured using the “quick replay” feature which speeds up the playback performing ship actions simultaneously. During normal game play, each ship moves and fires in a specific order, called “movement order”. This ordering is the number on the left of each ship on the game board

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